Resurrection of Jesus Christ – Introduction
What do you think was the most significant event in human history? Without question, the greatest event was the faint sound of a heartbeat in a cold lifeless body in a tomb two thousand years ago. The sound of blood rushing through the heart of a prophet from Galilee is a sound which will undoubtedly thunder throughout eternity owing to its profound implications. Its significance lies in the fact that it constituted God’s vindication that the payment for man’s sin had been accepted.
The spin-off is stupendous. If Jesus is now no more than a handful of dust and bones slowly crumbling away somewhere on the outskirts of Jerusalem, the entire Christian faith lies buried with Him; all its martyrs were mistaken; all its reformers deluded; all its church buildings are monuments to a myth; all its services are senseless and Easter Day is wishful thinking.
The credibility of Christianity thus hangs on this one straightforward question: Did Jesus Christ come back to life a few days after He died and was buried? His character, His claims and His relevance for today all hinge on this crucial issue.
Resurrection of Jesus Christ – Was the tomb really empty?
The Jerusalem Factor
Resurrection of Jesus Christ – Was Jesus seen alive after His death?
The list of eyewitnesses to the resurrection appearances
Resurrection of Jesus Christ – Conclusion
To conclude, two fundamental lines of evidence have been offered in support of the resurrection, namely (1) the empty tomb, and (2) the post-resurrection appearances. Any alternative hypothesis must, therefore, account for those two bedrock facts. What is the best explanation of those facts? Consider the evidence and decide for yourself!
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