What is the Deity of Christ in the Gospel of Mark
QUESTION: What is the Deity of Christ in the Gospel of Mark?ANSWER:While Mark's gospel lacks Luke's introduction, Matthew's genealogy and John's prologue, it definitively records Jesus Christ as God in the flesh (Mark 1:1). Among the ways Mark shows the Deity of Christ are the following, among others: he includes God's commendation of Jesus as His Son-at His baptism (Mark 1:11); at the Transfiguration (Mark 9:7); and in His resurrection (Mark 16:6-7, Romans 1:4).
Mark also shows the deity of Christ by dramatically describing Christ's exorcisms of demons (Mark 3:11, 5:7, 9:17-18, 25), a power He also bestowed on His disciples (Mark 6:7, 13).
Knowing His identity, the spiritual rebels loudly acclaimed His deity, though Jesus vigorously silenced that acclaim (Mark 3:12, 5:6-8, 9:25-26). Indeed, Jesus offered the exorcisms as proof of His deity, while attacking the Pharisees' opinion that they implied His league with Satan (Mark 3:22-30).
In addition, Mark shows the deity of Christ by stressing His independence of Mosaic regulations whenever it pleased Him: touching a leper (Mark 1:41); forgiving the paralytic's sins (Mark 2:5, 10); warning of Mosaic insufficiency and stating His own superiority (Mark 2:21-22); establishing His rule of the Sabbath (Mark 2:28, 3:1-6); commissioning the Twelve as His personal agents, not as emissaries of Moses (Mark 6:7-13); replacing centuries of traditions with His own word (7:1-20); asserting His authority over Moses in the matter of marriage and divorce (Mark 10:1-12); clarifying the role of all Old Testament leaders as His witnesses (Mark 12:35-37); offering the true meaning of the Passover (Mark 14:16-26); replacing the temple at His death (Mark 15:38).
Mark also shows the deity of Christ by noting His mastery in healing every illness and disease brought to Him, including: fever (Mark 1:30-31); leprosy (Mark 1:42); paralysis (Mark 2:11-12, 3:1, 5); hemorrhage (Mark 5:27-34); deafness and muteness (Mark 7:31-35); blindness (Mark 8:22-26, 10:46-52).
Lastly, Mark shows the deity of Christ by describing His power over nature: quieting the lake and wind from the boat (Mark 4:35-41); walking on the water (Mark 6:45-52); invigorating and multiplying exhausted physical resources (Mark 6:30-44, 8:1-13); and over the spirit world - exorcisms, resurrecting the dead (Mark 5:21-24, 35-43).